June 9, 2012
We had a farewell party and fundraiser for Kusi Kawsay on Saturday evening, which went really well. Here's a picture of the Moving Mosaic Samba Band, who were kind enough to play at the party (you can just about make out Marcelo Goncalves, Sierra's teacher, at the back-left.
We also had live music from David Feldman & Friend, as well as a couple of short videos about Kusi Kawsay and Terence Buie showing some of his photos from multiple trips to Peru. You can view the 7-minute documentary about Kusi Kawsay that I showed here. I'd like to thank everyone who made the event possible, including the musicians, Terence, the Nelson Waldorf School (where we held the party), SelfDesign High (who loaned me a projector), and SaveOn Foods (who donated most of the food and drink). I had worried about people showing up since there was a lot going on in Nelson at the weekend, but I think there must have been more than 50 people there altogether. We raised $553 for Kusi Kawsay on the night and I hope we can raise as much again through online donations from those who couldn't make it to the party.